Adjust Deez


What else can we adjust this year?

I'd like to see the leadership team adjusted, perhaps back to the Canary Islands? Or maybe our CEO could be adjusted back to his days of delivering babies in brown water.

What else?

Kevin C. Is such a tool... He wants us to be working next year between Christmas and New Year's because he thinks that the market won't drop off if we are working that week. His adjustments on top of adjustments on top of adjustments are a joke and so is he as a leader. Look who hired him though and moved him up the ladder before she got demoted. How about taking some of your fat Christmas bonus and getting something done to that Grill of yours Kevin. You should be embarrassed smiling on stage as you stutter through your presentations

Kevin C. Is such a tool... He wants us to be working next year between Christmas and New Year's because he thinks that the market won't drop off if we are working that week. His adjustments on top of adjustments on top of adjustments are a joke and so is he as a leader. Look who hired him though and moved him up the ladder before she got demoted. How about taking some of your fat Christmas bonus and getting something done to that Grill of yours Kevin. You should be embarrassed smiling on stage as you stutter through your presentations

A little too harsh for my taste at the end but everything else was pretty accurate.

It’s only $250 !!!
Thanks !!!
That’ll buy a nice steak dinner after taxes.

Now about those goals; what do I see??

The top 54 reps are all PEDS?
Maybe it’s the Adut Reps turn for a 4% adjustment!!!!!

Kevin C. Is such a tool... He wants us to be working next year between Christmas and New Year's because he thinks that the market won't drop off if we are working that week. His adjustments on top of adjustments on top of adjustments are a joke and so is he as a leader. Look who hired him though and moved him up the ladder before she got demoted. How about taking some of your fat Christmas bonus and getting something done to that Grill of yours Kevin. You should be embarrassed smiling on stage as you stutter through your presentations
robo troll alert