You feel very strongly on this don't youThe company should really do something about the amount of affairs happening. I don’t want to be working with home wreckers. Scum, Dirtbags, can’t stand them makes me want to vomit. Think ye are all that but deep down ye are scummy low life’s hurting people like that and expect people to like ye. Shocking scum some of ye made vows in front of yer families and friends ye can’t be trusted sick twisted people. Ye are vile scum and ye know who ye are dirt bags disgusting shameful horrible human beings(dogs) shocking cheating disgusting scum. Do yez think people want to work beside deceitful people if your spouse ex spouse can’t trust you how am I supposed to do it. Dirty rotten home wreckers can’t stand deceiving low life’s like that and the place is full of them. Disgusting work environment.