Abbott Diabetes Care

Quo Vadis Abbott Diabetes Care

I just perused the 2009 Annual Shareholder's Report from Abbott. Notably missing from the Abbott Diabetes Care section is any mention of the Navigator. The Navigator was also NOT mentioned in two other sections--- Abbott Sciences and State of the Art. I wonder why?

Re: Quo Vadis Abbott Diabetes Care

I just perused the 2009 Annual Shareholder's Report from Abbott. Notably missing from the Abbott Diabetes Care section is any mention of the Navigator. The Navigator was also NOT mentioned in two other sections--- Abbott Sciences and State of the Art. I wonder why?
Sinking ship?

Re: Quo Vadis Abbott Diabetes Care

Not sinking. It is sunk! How hard is it to get a Navigator position? Who wants it? Funny that Dexcom and MDT find a way to sell sensors and ADC is lost. Docs are even thinking it will be pulled from market.
Now supply companies are out of sensors & they are on backorder. Anyone that still has a working Navigator won’t be able to use it because they can’t get sensors. What a company Abbott is!

ADC has stopped all production on Navigator materials and will not even tell it's own employees! Is this not a typical response by Abbott? It is a shame that the ADC brand has taken such a rough ride in the wrong direction. No doubt that a buyer would be welcomed at this point in the road but not for what the asking price will be.

Many of the lawsuits that are sitting there to be pursued are at the hands of the management and the way they have handled their own sales people. If the ADC field reps could or would just simply stand their ground and make their case they could easily put an end to many of the wrongdoings which clearly are obvious to anyone with any sense of right and wrong. I would strongly urge action before it is to late.....perhaps it is already to late....

Many of the lawsuits that are sitting there to be pursued are at the hands of the management and the way they have handled their own sales people. If the ADC field reps could or would just simply stand their ground and make their case they could easily put an end to many of the wrongdoings which clearly are obvious to anyone with any sense of right and wrong. I would strongly urge action before it is to late.....perhaps it is already to late....

I think it is already too late - the walls have already started crumbling down. can someone spend all day everyday posting about the Abbott Navigator. Do you have a job? We currently use and love the device...we also have the Dex 7+ but prefer the Navigator because of range and accuracy. We have paid out of pocket for both (just received insurance approval for sensors) just in case for this very situation. The backlog is a pain but what did you do before the CGMS? Remember...these devices are approved for adjunctive therapy...

Range and accuracy on the Navigator?? Are you making up studies?? This is why you can't sell this product is because you tell lies.

Restructuring at Abbott Diabetes Care

I heard that there were restructuring changes at ADC, such as a Quality Director that was terminated, and another Quality Director that was downgraded to a lower position. I also heard that a Regulatory Manager was removed from this position and sent back to R&D. Presumably, he did not have the qualifications for this job, and yet, the VP of Regulatory and Clinical Affairs promoted him to this RA Manager position, even if he had zero regulatory experience. I also heard that this VP of Regulatory and Clinical is no longer overseeing the clinical affairs team.

How pathetic that ADC places managers in positions that they do not have the education and experience to capably fulfill their job functions. No wonder Navigator is on backorder.

Failed FDA Audit at Abbott Diabetes Care

Back in March 2009, ADC failed an FDA audit. In brief, the FDA cited ADC on three counts, namely: (1) employees were not trained; (2) training procedures were not implemented; and, (3) complaint handling deficiencies. Details of the Form 483, which is the citation issued by the FDA can be found at the following URL:

Re: Failed FDA Audit at Abbott Diabetes Care

Back in March 2009, ADC failed an FDA audit. In brief, the FDA cited ADC on three counts, namely: (1) employees were not trained; (2) training procedures were not implemented; and, (3) complaint handling deficiencies. Details of the Form 483, which is the citation issued by the FDA can be found at the following URL:

This is great. Not a surprise though. The Navigator reps were flat out not telling truth to providers and the very few that got a Navigator never got trained properly. Abbott is no Medtronic and killed this division.

Re: FDA Observations at Abbott Diabetes Care

Kelly, sorry to hear about the problems you are having. Have you contacted ADC directly? HQ is in Alameda, CA. Or perhaps your doctor can get you the name of a local rep, who can then get you to their region manager. Hopefully you will find answers there, as well as people who care and can help.


My son's navigator is also no longer functional.. He's been using it for almost 2 years. We also got caught in last years backorder.. But this time my dilemma is worse.. he's leaving for college in 4 months- without a device that he has become dependent on ..
I've spoken to numerous people at Abbott.. There are no freaking answers, or if they have them- they're not telling... ... and no Navigators either..

Re: FDA Observations at Abbott Diabetes Care

My son's navigator is also no longer functional.. He's been using it for almost 2 years. We also got caught in last years backorder.. But this time my dilemma is worse.. he's leaving for college in 4 months- without a device that he has become dependent on ..
I've spoken to numerous people at Abbott.. There are no freaking answers, or if they have them- they're not telling... ... and no Navigators either..
You should take the $2k offer from Abbott. They will also buy back any sensors that you have. Dexcom is offering a special offer to Navigator users for $999.

Did you see the FDA link in the other Abbott Diabetes thread? There are recalls on the Navigator. I am sure Abbott was aware of that before. Abbott knows exactly what is going on. They just won’t say.

ADC should be under investigation for many business practices including the navigator matter. At the same time ADC senior leadership must be released from their duties. If there is not a buyer for this mess then ADC needs to stop all activites until the ship can at least be cleaned. If MW is aware of all of these things going on with his little experiment then he must step up tp the plate and fix what can be fixed. DW, ZT, DT, all need to be supoened for their illegal activities and removed. All reps who have been abused by these three excuses for leaders need to seek and secure legal help. Time is no longer a luxury.