A question for the "seasoned" reps out there


I am one of those "seasoned" reps who has been in medical for 20 years, the last 8 in capital with the same company. I am currently looking for a new opportunity and have been for the last 6 months. Many times I have replied to job ads that were looking for reps calling on the exact same call points that I call on now (critical care). I have only replied to ads where it was a very good fit with my background. I have had many outstanding years with my current employer and have won numerous awards which I mention on my resume. Despite that I have only had one interview and that's because I came recommended by someone in the company. I have a sneaking suspicion that I am experiencing age discrimination.

So my question to other more experienced reps is, did you experience this in a recent job search and if so, what did you do to over come it?


Yes. We are too old. Your current company is satisfied with your performance, so stay there. Start working on your own business. Work on it steadily for 3-5 years and you can replace your current income. If your current company ends up firing you, who cares? Easier said than done, but get started today.

Have you thought about shooting for a more senior position?
You're probably competing with less expensive candidates (even if you haven't revealed your requirements).
Unfortunately, most HR and less experienced managers don't understand the value of your time in the business.
Make sure you differentiate yourself with some examples of tactical customer interaction.
5 year plans, consultative sales approach, C-Suite penetration - stuff you might not see from a less experienced rep.

Best wishes.

I feel your pain. after my second " downsizing" and i was a top 5 preformer, two years ago started my own gig. I was fearful of course, but now I wish I would have done it much sooner. now I have actually brought on a couple of reps who were also feeling that companies were balking at their age, and they are killing it for me. they have tons of contacts and are getting shit done. I am hoping to continue to grow and branch out

I feel your pain. after my second " downsizing" and i was a top 5 preformer, two years ago started my own gig. I was fearful of course, but now I wish I would have done it much sooner. now I have actually brought on a couple of reps who were also feeling that companies were balking at their age, and they are killing it for me. they have tons of contacts and are getting shit done. I am hoping to continue to grow and branch out

When you say gig are you talking about being an independent 1099 rep and thus carrying different lines?

I am one of those "seasoned" reps who has been in medical for 20 years, the last 8 in capital with the same company. I am currently looking for a new opportunity and have been for the last 6 months. Many times I have replied to job ads that were looking for reps calling on the exact same call points that I call on now (critical care). I have only replied to ads where it was a very good fit with my background. I have had many outstanding years with my current employer and have won numerous awards which I mention on my resume. Despite that I have only had one interview and that's because I came recommended by someone in the company. I have a sneaking suspicion that I am experiencing age discrimination.

So my question to other more experienced reps is, did you experience this in a recent job search and if so, what did you do to over come it?

Yes yes and yes again!!!
Nobody loves ya like Mom.
Find upstart new companies Ect. They will love ya and appreciate your experience AND CONNECTIONS!!! Big companies want desire young blue pill eating robots. If your over 40 you "ain't" it.