A POC Should Sit In On Every Interview To Address Systematic Racism


Diversity discussions are nice and all. But, Biden has finally gave the green light to address Systematic Inequalities. Corporate America knows what the future of America looks like. We do not trust being interviewed by an all Caucasian panel featuring Tom, Steve, and Jim. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


Diversity discussions are nice and all. But, Biden has finally gave the green light to address Systematic Inequalities. Corporate America knows what the future of America looks like. We do not trust being interviewed by an all Caucasian panel featuring Tom, Steve, and Jim. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

I agree. It’s torture and a waste of time walking into an interview room full of those people. Yet, they are calling for Diversity. Data needs to be run on who they hire and go from there.

I loved the Webex a year or so ago where Frank and Roger talked about how they are going to hold their leadership teams accountable for bringing in more blacks and Latinos meanwhile the only diversity on their teams is women and white males. Hypocrites and typical Merck speak. This company is doomed.

I loved the Webex a year or so ago where Frank and Roger talked about how they are going to hold their leadership teams accountable for bringing in more blacks and Latinos meanwhile the only diversity on their teams is women and white males. Hypocrites and typical Merck speak. This company is doomed.

I think their should be a tranny poc at every interview they are twice as woke

I loved the Webex a year or so ago where Frank and Roger talked about how they are going to hold their leadership teams accountable for bringing in more blacks and Latinos meanwhile the only diversity on their teams is women and white males. Hypocrites and typical Merck speak. This company is doomed.

I used to worry about this but I realized that whenever there's an 'update' or 'exciting news' about diversity + inclusion, it's only a restatement of the *commitment* to diversity and inclusion. There are never more people of color hired or promoted. Just the repetition of the empty commitment seems to keep The Woke Crowd happy.

Diversity discussions are nice and all. But, Biden has finally gave the green light to address Systematic Inequalities. Corporate America knows what the future of America looks like. We do not trust being interviewed by an all Caucasian panel featuring Tom, Steve, and Jim. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

What've a bunch of horseshi*. There are no systematic inequalities and lately there are more diversity hires than ever before. Leaders are being held accountable to this. doesn't matter who the best candidate is, hire the diverse candidate. Run the data: more jobs have been filled with minority employees over the last year than any other time in history. We have officially overswung!

I used to worry about this but I realized that whenever there's an 'update' or 'exciting news' about diversity + inclusion, it's only a restatement of the *commitment* to diversity and inclusion. There are never more people of color hired or promoted. Just the repetition of the empty commitment seems to keep The Woke Crowd happy.

Newsflash..the younger generation of minorities knows all about “tokenism” like “just give them a holiday or a diversity call”. That bullshite simply won’t work anymore. We know our collective spending power and will “flex” it. Can’t stop the brown demographic shift. All companies are talking about it. That’s why there’s a commitment of funds to address “systematic racism”. Show us the Budget. That will tell us how serious you are.

Diversity discussions are nice and all. But, Biden has finally gave the green light to address Systematic Inequalities. Corporate America knows what the future of America looks like. We do not trust being interviewed by an all Caucasian panel featuring Tom, Steve, and Jim. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


replying to the own ridiculous post...black CEO at Merck, black head of HH, black head of HR...yet Merck has systemic racism problems and won't hire blacks, need a black person sitting in on all interviews...I think the OP is looking for an excuse for their own failures...racism at Merck to blame, not their own ineptness...

replying to the own ridiculous post...black CEO at Merck, black head of HH, black head of HR...yet Merck has systemic racism problems and won't hire blacks, need a black person sitting in on all interviews...I think the OP is looking for an excuse for their own failures...racism at Merck to blame, not their own ineptness...
So basically if you are white you aren’t qualified and if you are hired white the manager is racist?

When Asians take over, we won't have the guilt you whites do and we will hire and promote based upon merit. You lazy entitled types better get all you can while the whites are still able to provide handouts.

In my country, if you don't work you don't eat.

Diversity discussions are nice and all. But, Biden has finally gave the green light to address Systematic Inequalities. Corporate America knows what the future of America looks like. We do not trust being interviewed by an all Caucasian panel featuring Tom, Steve, and Jim. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Are you serious with "Systematic Inequalities"?
I can't believe the ABSOLUTE RACISM & BIGOTRY & STUPIDITY of Americans preaching "Systematic Inequalities".
Can you give some historical examples of "Systematic Inequalities or systemic racism"?

Are you serious with "Systematic Inequalities"?
I can't believe the ABSOLUTE RACISM & BIGOTRY & STUPIDITY of Americans preaching "Systematic Inequalities".
Can you give some historical examples of "Systematic Inequalities or systemic racism"?

I guess Howard, Hampton, Morehouse, and other HBCU’s were built just for fun.

Are you serious with "Systematic Inequalities"?
I can't believe the ABSOLUTE RACISM & BIGOTRY & STUPIDITY of Americans preaching "Systematic Inequalities".
Can you give some historical examples of "Systematic Inequalities or systemic racism"?
