60 Minutes


Ray Dalio is his name. He runs one of the biggest hedge funds in the world called Bridgewater. He thinks our country and our type of capitalism needs reform. He predicts armed conflict in the future if we don't change. You should listen to him.

Just watched - actually a very good show. The problem? He's worth more money than Trump so his views will be suppressed by the RWM.

Ray Dalio is his name. He runs one of the biggest hedge funds in the world called Bridgewater. He thinks our country and our type of capitalism needs reform. He predicts armed conflict in the future if we don't change. You should listen to him.

Yeah, he has his fortune and could really give a rat’s ass about the country....only in the money it makes him.....but he’ll tell you what’s wrong with the country that made him rich.
Screw him. Run for prez.
Hedge funds are what’s wrong with WS.