3.3 Tell the sales force already people getting sick


Anxiety is building up and reps aren’t doing well. Tell the sales team already. you’ve known for a year what the plan is. Blood bath.

There are a ton of Pharma jobs available everywhere. Now might be a good time to start looking. Nobody should live in anxiety over a job. Luckily lots out there. Don't hang around in misery just for a severance. Go find something that makes you happy.

As we all know, Pfizer OWNS ONE product in primary care - Premarin. The separation of Team 1 technically puts Pfizer in breach of contract with Exact Sciences concerning the amount of call support for Cologuard. Exact Sciences picks up most of Team 1 themselves - do they now dissolve their co-promote contract with Pfizer that was through 2022?

When Xarelto goes generic, Eliquis is going to take a big hit regardless of the superiority data, it's all about the almighty dollar for payers. If the Cologuard co-promote goes away, do they even need a primary care division outside of WH? Two primary care divisions gone in two consecutive years - unprecedented in Pfizer.

If I were a Team 2 rep right now, I would be frantically searching for a specialty spot.

It would be nice of them to tell us what is going on. They think we would stop working and making calls. Most reps are unmotivated currently due to the stress of the big layoff cloud hanging over their head. I believe knowledge is power and even if i weren’t retained I would like to know now.

I wonder if a class action suit could be made against Pfizer for the serious amount of time it’s taking the company to notify employees in IM know what’s going on with their jobs!….There are laws in place that require companies larger than 100 employees be provided with a 60-day WARN period before employment termination… but this? For the love of God! When did they drop the ball about the fact that there would be changes in IM? Like 5 months ago? Why doesn’t the company just hire people with the WARN period permanently in place. I think there is a balance and although a 60-day warn is appropriate 180 day or whatever it is this time round is abuse.

It’s interesting that you say that. The communication from our ELT has been very long winded and unnecessary. All of this communication could have started in September or October…Pfizer has made so much money over the last few years. I think it’s some kind of game like survivor.