1st Beheading Done w Cluster 1 Eliminated


Cluster 1 is eliminated like Cluster 3 two years ago.
The first wave of beheadings underway.
Cluster 1 gone
Xeljanz likely next
Followed by Womens Health
Then a few from all remaining divisions as the last wave to be announced.

Heard only Rare Disease is untouched which makes sense with all the job postings and hiring under way.


Sad but Xeljanz should be the next to drop.
So many reps Lotz has pushed for & hired last 3 yrs.
2 reps per 60 docs in a territory making 300k a year so just horrendous decision making.
We go on joint calls, live and virtual.
Cant sell anything and just basically get signatures & service.
50-60% need cut if LOE was 10 yrs
With LOE 2yrs, entire division needs whacked and give us severance

The lies, deceit, coverups to squeeze production out of reps since the Spring is starting to show the dark colors w Team 1 dissolving .
A lot more to come in waves through Q1.

I & I will get blasted. Rightfully so as they are 300% over staffed with zero pipeline.

Some Oncology divisions will get gutted as well.
RD & Vaccines only safe divisions now

The lies, deceit, coverups to squeeze production out of reps since the Spring is starting to show the dark colors w Team 1 dissolving .
A lot more to come in waves through Q1.

I & I will get blasted. Rightfully so as they are 300% over staffed with zero pipeline.

Some Oncology divisions will get gutted as well.
RD & Vaccines only safe divisions now

"zero pipeline" in I&I???

And led by complete tools. MB in derm is horrific and should be embarrassed! Everyone laughs at you behind your back, you think your brilliant which makes everything more entertaining.

Cluster 1 is eliminated like Cluster 3 two years ago.
The first wave of beheadings underway.
Cluster 1 gone
Xeljanz likely next
Followed by Womens Health
Then a few from all remaining divisions as the last wave to be announced.

Heard only Rare Disease is untouched which makes sense with all the job postings and hiring under way.

And led by complete tools. MB in derm is horrific and should be embarrassed! Everyone laughs at you behind your back, you think your brilliant which makes everything more entertaining.

Not to mention the same damn question he always asks “how many millions in a billion?’ He thinks that’s his gotcha interview question. What a pompous asshole!

Not to mention the same damn question he always asks “how many millions in a billion?’ He thinks that’s his gotcha interview question. What a pompous asshole!

This is a gotcha question ? Is this person a moron ? Is there a trick answer like “ I bet I know where you got them shoes, ..,,on your feet”

Never hear a thing from him as a rep. It’s pathetic with zero support or a care in the world for others. MB is too good and better than all of us. One day he will realize he has zero power and is just a babysitter. Get over yourself always trying to sell this place as amazing. It’s one layoff after another with a derm division filled with embarrassing disasters at every corner. Offices are so over us! A failed product for 5 years now, thats something to be so proud of.

I&I is next

And crock that the severance is less now!
Totally screwing us.

Lets just form whistle blowing lawsuit on I&I knowing about CV risks, strokes, embolimss, MIs and death yrs ago w VP marketing at the time talking about it but down playing saying no direct causal relationship...... BIG FAT LIE WE FIND OUT FEW YRS LATER.
Lets Whistler Blow our own riches$$$$$

Team 1 made out like bandits, now we have to deal with bold moves 3.3 on Team 2. What a crock of shit!

Look back through all these threads at the number of times ya’ll we’re warned about karma being a b*tch. Haha I wish these things on no one but it’s difficult not to smile after all the stone throwing from T2 about T1 having less value.

I&I is next

And crock that the severance is less now!
Totally screwing us.

Lets just form whistle blowing lawsuit on I&I knowing about CV risks, strokes, embolimss, MIs and death yrs ago w VP marketing at the time talking about it but down playing saying no direct causal relationship...... BIG FAT LIE WE FIND OUT FEW YRS LATER.
Lets Whistler Blow our own riches$$$$$
The severance is less? Isn’t it an enhanced package?

Look back through all these threads at the number of times ya’ll we’re warned about karma being a b*tch. Haha I wish these things on no one but it’s difficult not to smile after all the stone throwing from T2 about T1 having less value.

Agreed! Team 2 good riddance as I get a bump in pay and a sweet severance package. Thanks for those assholes who posted shitty things, looks like we were very desirable for the correct company. I wouldn’t want to be a part of the hybrid Amazon tele rep BM3.3 anyway. We can also go into offices immediately; enjoy all your wonderful VCC’s!!!