19,000 jobs gone announced Feb. 1st

Diversity hiring assumes that certain people can't possibly compete on their own merits. Isn't that insulting to you?

Who establishes the merits, historically speaking; white, anglo-saxon males? You better hope like hell that the measure of worth is not your penis size? You would definitely be in trouble.

My only guess is why an asshole idiot like you would waste our time with your drivel? Go away now. YOU ARE BANNED FROM THIS SITE!!!!!!!!

Hey VOCS, why don't you shut your damn mouth up you waste of space! Your the one with nothing but drivel coming out of the opening underneath your nose. Now you shut the FUCK UP! And you are banned from this site. Your such a piece of shit loser!

Hey VOCS, why don't you shut your damn mouth up you waste of space! Your the one with nothing but drivel coming out of the opening underneath your nose. Now you shut the FUCK UP! And you are banned from this site. Your such a piece of shit loser!

Man, you really told him off...anonymously of all things. I bet he never comes back to CP! Nice work, friend.