$16.6bn after IPO

Listing anywhere but the US was a failure. The US SEC is far more scrupulous in terms of due diligence than the Swiss exchange, and one wonders why FO couldn’t get a top tier US bank to run the IPO. That said, the current pricing is irrelevant until the lock-ups for investors are expired.
Galderma is a Swiss company. The listing in Switzerland makes sense. Drop the US blinker.

Thanks for the astute financial analysis courtesy of a FlemBot. Since most allegedly global companies list in the US for better liquidity for the employees and investors, saying you don’t know squat about finances without saying it.

Honestly, HR, it is time to fire 50% of the sales reps and put a stop to the whining. Cut the salary and bonuses 50% on the remaining 50%. These are plug and play flunky sales goofballs that are a dime a dozen out in marketplace. Snap snap snap. Let’s go and grow.

There’s need to fire reps. People are quitting faster than Galderma can hire them. It’s like Vladimir Putin losing his top soldiers and now Galderma is hiring conscripts to fill the vacancies. This place is now a certified meat grinder and an ipo isn’t saving anyone. Sorry folks, if you are staying here hoping things will get better you are insane. There are no jobs worse than Galderma. Everyone outside of Galderma looking in knows this place is a complete disaster. It’s not just flemming. It’s all of the directors too. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Dont sell yourself short. There is plenty of opportunities outside of this place. Fear and intimidation is all this place has to offer. Staying here is insanity. Galderma treats it employees like garbage.

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