150ish people are being laid off in April


I heard it straight from the horses mouth. Around 100 in the US and the rest in Switzerland. No JPAC or LATAM lay offs. Numbers are down in the US again and they have to make things look good. You will be surprised when you hear who is going. It never ends. How can we all keep doing five peoples jobs?


I heard it straight from the horses mouth. Around 100 in the US and the rest in Switzerland. No JPAC or LATAM lay offs. Numbers are down in the US again and they have to make things look good. You will be surprised when you hear who is going. It never ends. How can we all keep doing five peoples jobs?
After the 100+ people fired in Switzerland last November, it’s been a constant flow of lower numbers to avoid Unions attention. The 50+ in April will leave us with a skeleton crew.

The update to this post is it will happen in May, not April. The board has to get ready to sell the company or pieces of the company. Selling it all will be tough. They have to make the books look good, so reductions are coming. Also, US hardly made Q1 numbers and forecasts showing it will get worse. Ax is doing a nose dive.

I heard it straight from the horses mouth. Around 100 in the US and the rest in Switzerland. No JPAC or LATAM lay offs. Numbers are down in the US again and they have to make things look good. You will be surprised when you hear who is going. It never ends. How can we all keep doing five peoples jobs?
people considering joining Galderma should know what they are getting themselves into - Galderma is no longer the place it used to be.

Layoffs happened in Switzerland this week. More to come. They can only do a limited number due to our local government regulations. Morale here is really low.
Exactly, if they go above 30 people in 30 days it’s considered mass dismissal. Mass dismissal requires a consultation period and makes everything more complicated. It’s a slow but constant process in Switzerland.

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