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“We put patients first” vs Ridealong


We know AstraZeneca doesn’t truley care about putting patients first. But let’s make sure all our doctors and HCP‘s know that by bringing a manager into their office right now.
Can we please just have a moratorium on ride alongs for the next few months? I doubt it will negatively impact sales. And maybe showing just a little respect to the situation right now will add some value to our relationships.


We know AstraZeneca doesn’t truley care about putting patients first. But let’s make sure all our doctors and HCP‘s know that by bringing a manager into their office right now.
Can we please just have a moratorium on ride alongs for the next few months? I doubt it will negatively impact sales. And maybe showing just a little respect to the situation right now will add some value to our relationships.

can’t agree with this more . While other companies are pulling their reps from the field there are some managers out there who have zero self awareness and are in reps cars every other week.

Years ago an HCP asked me why my manager is always with me.This DSM actually would take little notes while I was "detailing." I replied my DSM was there to evaluate me. The HCP replied "he's using my office space to conduct your company's work? I should charge for the space." I told him he absolutely should.

So he informed reps that managers would be charged to use his office space. Never saw a manager in there again. I would take my manager to that office on field days and remind him "hey this is that office. Do you want to wait in the car or the lobby."

What do you expect? They threw us back into the field during the pandemic, made us fill out weekly trackers to show we had more calls week over week...all the while plotting a massive layoff and reorg with the ZS douchbags. Thanks for getting out there! Here's your pink slip! Merry Christmas!

This company is tone deaf. It's all about the money.

I imagine some of the DSMs are running scared, because they realize how expendable they are, especially in a selling model where many calls are remote. So I can perhaps cut them a little slack. If they want to come out and talk business over lunch and maybe make 1-2 calls, ok. But all day? Heck no.

Bless yall's heart. You college educated folk. You may have a college degree. You may come to crAZy with experience, but we don't trust you. And you certainly NEED TO BE COACHED UP month over month!
I come from outside of pharma. I often tell folks, the monthly field visits is like my manger in previous field telling me, I'm going to SIT IN YOUR CUBICAL next tuesday and watch you work.
DM's are the BIGGEST WASTE OF MONEY. Should be 2-3 per state. If you are not RESPONSIBLE for at least 20 or more people, you are a drain on the co. 8-10 reps, PULEASE! Lazy be-octh!!! Approve my concur and vacation and STFU

Bless yall's heart. You college educated folk. You may have a college degree. You may come to crAZy with experience, but we don't trust you. And you certainly NEED TO BE COACHED UP month over month!
I come from outside of pharma. I often tell folks, the monthly field visits is like my manger in previous field telling me, I'm going to SIT IN YOUR CUBICAL next tuesday and watch you work.
DM's are the BIGGEST WASTE OF MONEY. Should be 2-3 per state. If you are not RESPONSIBLE for at least 20 or more people, you are a drain on the co. 8-10 reps, PULEASE! Lazy be-octh!!! Approve my concur and vacation and STFU

and don’t forget, we get to start the process of firing your loser ass.

Bless yall's heart. You college educated folk. You may have a college degree. You may come to crAZy with experience, but we don't trust you. And you certainly NEED TO BE COACHED UP month over month!
I come from outside of pharma. I often tell folks, the monthly field visits is like my manger in previous field telling me, I'm going to SIT IN YOUR CUBICAL next tuesday and watch you work.
DM's are the BIGGEST WASTE OF MONEY. Should be 2-3 per state. If you are not RESPONSIBLE for at least 20 or more people, you are a drain on the co. 8-10 reps, PULEASE! Lazy be-octh!!! Approve my concur and vacation and STFU

managers are the biggest waste of money? Take a look in the mirror you useless piece of shit. You’re getting paid to put fake calls in your computer all day every day. And you have the nerve to tell managers who have proven themselves to get promoted that they’re useless? What a joke. I’m sure you will be one of the deadweight people that are let go,And rightfully so. So go ahead and make your commentary all you want on cafépharma

managers are the biggest waste of money? Take a look in the mirror you useless piece of shit. You’re getting paid to put fake calls in your computer all day every day. And you have the nerve to tell managers who have proven themselves to get promoted that they’re useless? What a joke. I’m sure you will be one of the deadweight people that are let go,And rightfully so. So go ahead and make your commentary all you want on cafépharma
Wow. Some DSM got triggered.

managers are the biggest waste of money? Take a look in the mirror you useless piece of shit. You’re getting paid to put fake calls in your computer all day every day. And you have the nerve to tell managers who have proven themselves to get promoted that they’re useless? What a joke. I’m sure you will be one of the deadweight people that are let go,And rightfully so. So go ahead and make your commentary all you want on cafépharma
Arooh! Arooh! Wolfpack #1!

There is no reason a manager can not handle 20 reps or at least 15, especially in these times. Right now they seem to be creating things to talk about on Teams calls, pulling us out of the field and then asking us why we don't have a higher call average. Maybe stop making us do nonsense to make it look like the managers are doing something.

Years ago an HCP asked me why my manager is always with me.This DSM actually would take little notes while I was "detailing." I replied my DSM was there to evaluate me. The HCP replied "he's using my office space to conduct your company's work? I should charge for the space." I told him he absolutely should.

So he informed reps that managers would be charged to use his office space. Never saw a manager in there again. I would take my manager to that office on field days and remind him "hey this is that office. Do you want to wait in the car or the lobby."

This story is bullshit for two reasons. Number one---if this was true you just identified yourself to your manager and made an enemy. Not smart.

Number two-So few doctors see reps anymore you need places to take your manager when they work with you. This doctor was a seeable doctor and now you have one less doctor that will see you making it tougher for you when your manager works with you. Again...not too smart.