Why are Pfizer reps so lazy

Discussion in 'Pfizer' started by anonymous, Apr 20, 2016 at 10:24 AM.

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  1. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Because they think they are entitled.

  2. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Why are Hospira Employees Soooooooo DUMB ?
  3. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Can't wait till we boot what's left of these Abbott rejects booted to Hospira Then booted to Pfizer and THEN BOOTED AGAIN ......OUCH That's gotta HURT
  4. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Lazy? Wellll….almost 20 years of 'reach & frequency' and 'share of voice' being our #1 strategy tends to make everyone rely on counterparts to do the heavy lifting. I was here then, and I remember well my first two managers haranguing that we always
    • stick to our call cycle, no matter what!
    • spend our lunch, speaker, and dinner program money by May (so that we would all get another influx of $$$ by July)
    So, if our call cycle meant hanging out in ZIPs with zero doc access without an appointment, so be it! Worse, many of us doubled up with other reps and made all "joint calls".

    You'd be lazy too if this was the world you came up in...
  5. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    SPOT-ON! Add in doing programs even when they don't work just to get the speaker paid, numerous teleconferences and an incentive program that doesn't reward performance and well, why go to work at all?
  6. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    True about programs. Unbelievable we still do these since they keep telling us every year they what puts us most at risk. Can't speak for rest of company, but days of pods are over for most part in Cluster 2. With such large geographies and HQ adding more specialties to call on every other month, not enough time to get to everyone they want us too.
    Where we are getting screwed is the TCL/Qouta game. HQ forcing us to add specialists even when we have no access to influence, institutions that we don't even call on and others who are worthless to business. This of course influences quotas that are unsustainable and we lose. Add to the fact that the way bonuses are paid now, we could be 100% on all products but get paid shit if not top of ranking report. Such bullshit!!
  7. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    But remember it's like running YOUR OWN BUSINESS, so act accordingly right?
  8. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Nope. I'd rather coast like a brain dead zombie, collect the cash, pretend I'm superior to low-lifes who post on this board, and make sure that those who got canned feel like crap. I see you're like me on that you enjoy doing that as well.
  9. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Nope. I'd rather coast like a brain dead zombie, collect the cash, pretend I'm superior to low-lifes who post on this board, and make sure that those who got canned feel like crap. I see you're like me on that you enjoy doing that as well.
  10. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Be all you can't be. Bet your family who lives in the trailer park would be proud of you. #lowlife
  11. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Oh so we're using a hash tag now...? Maybe you need to get back on Twitter because apparently you have too much time on your hands and projecting all of your issues will only make you sad. ;( ;( ;(
  12. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You are so stupid they had to burn your school down to get you out of the 3rd grade. Given your grammar I would guess you live in the back of the trailer park. #uneducated
  13. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You got me square on that deal darling. That's why working at Pfizer is a sure fit for me. As far as your anal critique, I guess that's where all the violation has occurred...in your rear entry #homo-erotic
  14. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    I think it is time to call the exterminator to rid the trailer park of it's vermin. #cockroach
  15. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Ahhh... So sad that you want to commit suicide and kill yourself. You can't help where you came from...#psychopath-failure
  16. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    You aren't much, a-hole.
  17. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Perhaps, or perhaps not. At least I can complete a whole sentence.
  18. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

  19. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    No you can not. Apparently, structuring a sentence that is grammatically correct is beyond your ability to grasp. Placing commas where they don't belong proves that.
    You are also most definitely an asshole. I tell you because you seem to be confused on that concept.
  20. anonymous

    anonymous Guest

    Another stupid post. You are so stupid you'd probably try to drown a fish, or try to figure out why you can't alphabetize M & M's. Grasp that dumbass.