
Discussion in 'Sunovion' started by Anonymous, Oct 28, 2014 at 12:38 PM.

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  1. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Seriously?! WTF

  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Rusty took a good look at the sales numbers, everyone leaving around him and left. He had access to all of the data so you can guess what he thought of the future.

    When the people that told you what a great place Sunovion is, and the great pipeline it has, run out the door, it is time to leave. From a rep viewpoint, your co-workers will be among your competition for a new job when it all goes bad. The smart ones leave early and pick their next opportunity.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I would not call that "leaving early", more likely any still here are going down with ship
  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    the best will be when Gerow finally announces.
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Doesn't Rusty play the trombone in his spare time? Serious replies only!
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    The Aptiom team averages less than 5 scripts per week per rep, new and refills combined. Many reps are in low performing areas with 0 scripts a week. How long will DSP continue to pay for lunches, speaker programs, cars, salaries, training, trips etc. The balance sheet must be awful with no end in sight. Every day, every week losing money.

    I enjoy having a job but the stress of seeing the numbers (when they come out) and the constant amount of key people leaving means that I will be relieved when I am told that it is over.
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    You sound like a great rep; a real fighter! I hope you don't leave. We need more reps lime you!

  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It's not just Rusty leaving. It's Rick Russel, Chris Trotter, numerous rep vacancies (including the number two rated rep in the nation for Aptiom), and an RBM. All within seven months of launch? That's a bit telling and definitely not comforting.
  9. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Compliance issues?
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Nothing to do with compliance. Most bailed before any compliance issue would have been made or detected. The simple answer is the product, Aptiom, the pipeline, watching everone around you leave etc. Sunovion has a history of pulling unsuccessful drugs and getting rid of the salesforce.
  11. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    to the fake T-Ford above, learn how to spell. You will need the skill as you update your resume for what is coming. When the people on the main stage who told of the bright future for Sunovion walk out the door, people notice. When the people who hired you are gone in two months people notice. When top performers leave for similar roles at average companys people notice

    Staying and working hard despite all evidence that the Aptiom force will be downsized or eliminated is not admirable. I do not pay bills with the knowledge that I stuck it out. Sorry kids Dad is now unemployed but your Dad is a fighter who stuck it out to the end.

    My next employer will not be impressed that I fought and stayed at Sunovion despite all evidence that I should have left months earlier. They will simply see that I was downsized.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Yeah thanks, the lime/like typo was huge!
  13. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    With rare exception, who leaves a job of their own accord without their next job lined up?

    Rick, Mike, Dean - we all know where they went. Rusty, Trotter - ????

    Read between the lines.
  14. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    he did not leave on his own. If you ever saw him in ho you were lucky and he did nothing. I bet RR was let go too. How many of those talks to his did he just read off the TelePrompTer. What leading did he do? He never had a clue and neve gave any direction to anyone. Most of the people who left needed to go.
  15. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    I bet RR was let go too, or rather laid of in a cost cutting move
  16. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    It amazes me how dumb people are. With the exception of RR all others have one thing in common, BG. BG is a good leader but expects results. CT and BG had different philosophies, Rusty clearly screwed up the numbers and that is why we haven't seen numbers in weeks, the reps that left are part of the culture that is described in the rest of the this thread. Pathetic UCB reps that came here with no sales ability, no relationships and had perfected the art of lunches and sampling. RR left because he is a true CEO and was never going to be that here. Please leave, if you have been in this space before and cant get 10 scripts a week then BG will be banging on your door shortly, good selling daddy.
  17. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Thanks Brad
  18. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    What flavor is your Kool-Aid? Where to begin.

    1. only one rep in the nation is close to 10 scripts per week, most generate 2-3 scripts. By your logic the enitire sales force should be on a PIP. Either the entire salesforce is incompetent and lazy as you imply, or there are other problems.

    2. we are now in the 7th month since launch. If it is also your intention to blame Rusty, who was monitoring Rusty? I guess that your hero BG missed that one. After all this time, the numbers are now questioned? If the numbers are not there, blame the one counting the numbers (Rusty).

    3. i still have not seen numbers in weeks. Is anyone left in corporate who can produce the reports?

    4.After 3+ years of service to Sunovion, CT is still trying to get the knife out of his back. Good work BG and BS. You never really see BG coming as it is usually from behind.

    5.when in doubt, blame the reps

    6. when the top rep (at the time) in the country Ann Arbor left was she lazy? She was also not a former UCB rep. Ever wonder why someone would leave money on the table to get out of here?

    7. I do not know where every rep came from, but the drug is tanking. To blame one group is foolish. Also 4 of the managers are former UCB reps. Are they lazy also?

    8. Aptiom generates 500+ scripts per month with a salesforce of 118. Do the math.

    when the salesforce is downsized, you will be the only one surprised. is the kool-aid straight up or on the rocks?
  19. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Are you serious? The Aptiom team had someone named Rusty? I thought you were f'ing with us
  20. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Sounds like their is a former UCB/UPS rep that has been exposed and feeling a little vulnerable